ام،، اخترعت جهاز لمساعدة ابنها المقعد على المشي ،، واعادة روح الامل اله
الموضوع بالانجليزي ورح احط لينكات وفيديوز للي حاب يعرف اكتر
Miracle steps: From left, Claire and Daniel Smyth, Louise and Bethany Watson and Cameron and Charlotte Taylor take the Firefly Upsee for a test run
She designed a support harness that would enable Rotem to stand upright and, by attaching it to herself, let parent and child take steps together.
After a global search for a company to mass-produce her "Upsee", the Israeli mother chose Northern Ireland-based manufacturer Leckey, which has a long track record in making equipment for children with special needs.