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مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
هاذي مجموعة من المسجات جمعتها لكم و انشالله تعجبكم [Smile]

بالأخص لج صدى الحرية لأنج كله تحنين تبين انجليزي [Big Grin]

يالله هاذي عشانج تستاهلين [Smile]

و لكم كلكم بعد [Big Grin]

1) Loved you then, love you still, always have, always will!

2) You never stop loving someone; you just learn to live without them.

3) If You Love Me... Let Me Know... If You Don't... Then Let Me Go...

4) Why cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you?

5) لا يوجد underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

6) Suicide is a permanent solution to a Temporary problem.

7) They keep saying that the right person will come along; I think a truck hit mine

8) Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like, believe it.

9) Heaven won't have me, and hells afraid I’ll take over.

10) Did you fall down the ugly tree and hit every branch on your way down?

11) 4 out of 5 voices in my head say go back to sleep.


13) I know I'm not perfect, but I'm So Close it scares me

14) I like the way I feel, nothing hurts when no ones real.

15) I'm lost; please take me home with you.

16) A very wise man once said "I don’t know go ask a woman".

17) I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure

18) Maybe this world is another planet's Hell

19) If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?

20) I never forget a face, but I'll make an exception in your case

21) I quote others only in order to better understand myself.

22) If you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back to you, chase it down and kill it

23) Guys are like roses, you gotta watch out for the pricks!

24) Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop?

26) Some people are alive just because it's against the law to kill them!

27) I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget what we have but I know you wont follow.

28) And your point is...?

29) You know you want me

30) If I were to throw a stick, would you leave?

31) I don't come with please don't try to play me

32) People like you are the reason we have middle fingers

33) I'm not a bad girl...just a good girl that does bad things..

34) Wish I had somebody, walking beside me, looking into my eyes at night. I want a love to call my own. I want someone that I can hold, someone wanting me. Just want to know how it feels to be somebody's somebody

35) If you love something set it free...if it comes back, it was meant to be. If it continues to fly, let it soar, have faith that God has something better in store.

36) There are certain people who are not meant to fit in your life, no matter how much you want them to be

37) I don't miss him.... I just miss who I thought he was

38) It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it’s really sad when the best of friends become two strangers

39) Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone than to cry all alone

40) It's funny the way you can get use to the tears & the pain

41) If you love your man, set him free.. If he doesn't come back, then you know he's with me

42) Sometimes its better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way

43) Sometimes when I'm alone at night I just sit and contemplate all the reasons why you wouldn't want me the way I want you

44) I may not see u as often as I'd like, I may not get to hold u all throughout the night, but deep inside my heart I know this is true! No matter what, I'll never stop loving u!

45) I have never had a dream that has ever came true, until God gave me the gift of having u

46) You hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel? I love you more than you deserve, why am I such a fool?

47) How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them all you think about is how much more you really want them?

48) How do I tell him that he has my heart? That without him my world would fall apart. I need so much for him to know, but if I tell him will he stay or will he go?

49) Something in your eyes captured my soul, and every night I see you in my dreams. You're all I know. I can't let go.

50) Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind, where do I go?

51) I know I made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but the worst one was thinking the person who hurt me the most wouldn't hurt me again!

52) Waking up is the start of my nightmares.

53) I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiled...The one who could brighten up your day, Even if she couldn't brighten her own.

54) The roots of love grow all around but for me they come tumbling down everyday heartaches grow a little stronger I cant take this pain much longer.

55) Have you ever loved someone and knew they didn’t care? Did you ever feel like crying but knew you’d get nowhere? Do you ever close your eyes and say a little prayer? Have you ever looked into his heart and wished that you were there?

56) There’s a smile on my face but I don’t know why its there...I put it on to try and satisfy all the people that don’t even care.

57) Inside my heart is breaking but my smile stays on.

59) Say goodbye. Turn and walk away. You never really loved me-so why did I expect you to stay.

60) My face is always smiling but my soul wears an everlasting frown.

61) Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, we are screaming inside but we can't be heard.

62) What can you say about a society that thinks God is dead and Elvis is alive?

63) Screw Snapple I’m the Best stuff on Earth!!!

64) Coffee, chocolate, men...some things are just better rich!

65) What a shame...looks like the ugly fairy kissed you on both cheeks!

66) Don't look at me like I'm evil.

67) If I could give you one gift in the world it would be the ability to see yourself as I see you. Maybe then you’ll realize how special you really are!

68) I would tell you to go to hell, but all dogs go to Heaven! [Big Grin]

69) A smile is a curve

70) A friend is sweet when it is new... But it is sweeter when it is true. But do you know that? It is the SWEETEST when it is YOU
مرسلة من غرشوبة الماجد (رقم العضويه 9945) on :
thanx alot 4 the messages
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
العفو حياج الله .. و ثااااانكس على الرد [Smile]
مرسلة من قد ما حبيت (رقم العضويه 7870) on :
يسلمو على المسجات الروعة هذي وانا من زمان قاعد ادور مسجات انجليزية [Smile]
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
الله يسلمك اخووووووي و حاضرين للطيبييييين [Big Grin]

يسلمو على الطله الحلوة و الرد الأحلى [Smile]

[ 20. يوليو 2003, 10:14 PM: تم تحرير المشاركه من قبل: PaNaDoOoL ]
مرسلة من زهــــرة (رقم العضويه 6088) on :
تسلم اخوي بندول على المسجات الحلوه..
مرسلة من ^zero-cool^ (رقم العضويه 9795) on :
يسلمووووو بندووووول على المسجات
مرسلة من BECKHAM-Q8 (رقم العضويه 7230) on :
تشكر بنادولتي
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :

الله يسلمج خيتوووووو [Big Grin]

زيوي كوول:

الله يسلمك


العفو فصولتي [Big Grin]
مرسلة من صدى الحرية (رقم العضويه 1453) on :
بالأخص لج صدى الحرية لأنج كله تحنين تبين انجليزي

يالله هاذي عشانج تستاهلين

انا دايم احن [Mad] [blushing]

مشكور PaNaDoOoL [Big Grin] ويعطيك العافية يارب [Razz]
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
لا و الله اتغشمر معاج يالغالية [Big Grin]

ما عاش من يقول انج تحنين [Big Grin]

العفو تستاهلين اكثر يالغالية [Smile]

الله يعافيج خيتووو [Wink]
مرسلة من صدى الحرية (رقم العضويه 1453) on :
اي اشوا

ترى انا ما احن [Razz]

تسلم اخوي [Big Grin]
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
الله يسلمج [Big Grin]
مرسلة من مــــــزون (رقم العضويه 594) on :
Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like, believe it.


يسلمووو عالمسجات

منجد المسجات الانجليزيه بدت تنقرض [Smile]

صدووي قام سوقج 70 مسج بعد شعليج [Wink]

[ 22. يوليو 2003, 06:36 AM: تم تحرير المشاركه من قبل: مــــــزون ]
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
الله يسلمج مزون . [Smile]

بس ليش الوي الزعلان الله يهداج ؟؟ [Big Grin]

غيري توفيعج و حطي وي يظحك ..

اخوج .. بندووووووووووول [Smile]
مرسلة من مــــــزون (رقم العضويه 594) on :
اهيا الدنيا جذي ياعيوني

وربك كريم و الله يفرجها ان شاء الله
مرسلة من KatkoOotaa (رقم العضويه 9539) on :

بندوول على المسجااااااااات

[Smile] [Smile]
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
انشالله يارب .. مادري شفيج .. بس الله يكون بعونج اذا عندج مشكلة .. عزيزة و غالية مزوووون [Smile]

الله يسلمج كتكوتي [Smile]
مرسلة من Owen 10 (رقم العضويه 7152) on :
تسلم بندووووووووووووووووولتي
مرسلة من بودعيج (رقم العضويه 6927) on :
مرسلة من شيخة الشيوخ (رقم العضويه 10178) on :
مشكووور أخويه على هالمسجات الحلوه [blushing]

ونتريا منك المزيد ان شاء الله [Wink] [Big Grin]

[blushing] شيخة الشيوخ [blushing]
مرسلة من devil_spider (رقم العضويه 2335) on :
thanx PaNaDoOoL
مرسلة من PaNaDoOoL (رقم العضويه 3652) on :
اون : الله يسلمج خيتوو .

بو دعيج : الله يسلمك و يخليك .

شيخة الشيوخ : العفو و لكم المزيد عن قريب .

devil_spider : العفووووو [Smile]

شكرا للجميع على المرور و اسف ما رديت مبجر لأني كنت مسافر [Smile]

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